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Queen Elizabeth II Makes Her Own Sparkling Wine

Queen Elizabeth II Makes Her Own Sparkling Wine | Wine Coolers Empire

Want to celebrate a special occasion or a big milestone in your life? Our usual go-to way of celebrating is eating out, maybe for a lot of people, partying, and drinking.

But what if the milestone is something big? For example, being promoted or after closing a huge deal? You deserve sparkling wine made by royalty – like the Queen of England, herself!

It all started in 2011, when Laithwaite, one of the United Kingdom's largest wine retailers, was given permission to start planting and building a vineyard at Windsor Great Park, not far from her majesty, the queen's residence Windsor Castle. Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier, and Pinot Noir were planted. After picking in 2013 and aged for 2 years, the first 3,000 bottles of Windsor Vineyard English Quality Sparkling Wine are ready for release.

Despite coming from a vineyard that is only a few years old, all 3,000 bottles are sold quickly. This is not surprising because she is Queen Elizabeth II. But the buyers might have a different idea in mind when they purchase these sparkling wines. We have to remember, just like wines, rare vintage prices grow or increase in time.

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